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Author(s)Title etc.LanguageRelated product groups
Cheek, P.; Nikpour, L.; Nowlin, H. D.Aging well with smart technology.
I: Nursing Administration Quarterly, 2005 (29(4)), s. 329-338
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for administering non-liquid medicines
 Electronic assistive products for operation and controlling devices
Jensen, L.; Månsson, I.; Holthe, T.; Hurnasti, T.; Indridadottir, B.How Cognitive Assistive Technology can be useful for and a Benefit to persons with Dementia in their Daily Living. Guidelines for Service Delivery of Cognitive Assistive Technology to persons with Dementia.
I: Eizmendi, G.; Craddock, G. M. (Red), Challenges for assistive technology: AAATE 07, 2007, s. 227-232
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for administering non-liquid medicines
Mann, W. C.; Belchior, P.; Tomita, M. R.; Kemp, B. J.Use of personal emergency response systems by older individuals with disabilities.
I: Assistive Technology, 2005 (17), s. 82-88
Mann, W.C.; Belchior, P.; Tomita, M.R.; Kemp, B.J.Older Adults Perception and Use of PDAs, Home Automation System, and Home Health Monitoring System.
I: Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 2007 (23(1)), s. 35-46
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Portable computers and tablets
Marshall, M. (Red.)ASTRID A Social & Technological Response to meeting the needs of Individuals with Dementia & their carers.
London: Hawker Publications Ltd., 2000
ISBN: 1-874790-52-3
Miskelly, F. G.Assistive technology in elderly care.
I: Age and Ageing, 2001 (30), s. 455-458
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for knee protection or leg protection
Nygård, L.; Starkhammar, S.; Lilja, M.The provision of stove timers to individuals with cognitive impairment.
I: Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2008 (15/1), s. 4-12
Vincent, C.; Drouin, G.; Routhier, F.Examination of new environmental control applications.
I: Assistive Technology, 2002 (14(2)), s. 98-111
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Wired remote controls

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