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Author(s)Title etc.LanguageRelated product groups
Reid, D.; Rigby, P.; Ryan, S.Functional Impact of a Rigid Pelvic Stabilizer on Children with Cerebral Palsy who use Wheelchairs: Users and Caregivers Perceptions.
I: Pediatric Rehabilitation, 1999 (3(3)), s. 101-118
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Seat belts, belts and harnesses for body stabilization
 Assistive products for trunk protection or whole-body protection
Ripat, J.Function and impact of electronic aids to daily living for experienced users .
I: Technology and Disability, 2006 (18(2), s. 79-87
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Wired remote controls
Rogers, H.; Berman, S.; Fail, D.; Jaser, J.A comparison of functional mobility in standard vs. ultralight wheelchairs as measured by performance on a community obstacle course.
I: Disability and Rehablilitation, 2003 (25(19)), s. 1083-1088
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Rogers, J. C.; Holm, M. B.; Perkins, L.Trajectory of Assistive Device Usage and User and Non-user Characteristics: Long-handled Bath Sponge.
I: Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2002 (47(6)), s. 645-650
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Washcloths, sponges and brushes with holder, handle or grip
Ronald, L. A. et al.Effectiveness of Installing Overhead Ceiling Lifts: Reducing Musculoskeletal Injuries in an Extended Care Hospital Unit .
I: AAOHN Journal, 2002 (50(3)), s. 120-127
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Stationary hoists fixed to walls, floor or ceiling
Roussos, N.; Patrick, J. H.; Hodnett, C.; Stallard, J. A.A Long-term Review of Severely Disabled Spina Bifida Patients using a Reciprocal Walking System.
I: Disability and Rehablilitation, 2001 (23(6)), s. 239-244
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses
Russell, L. J.; Reynolds, T. M.; Park, C.; Rithalia, S.; Gonsalkorale, M.; Birch, J. et al.Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing 2 Support Surfaces: Results of the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers Study.
I: Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 2003 (16), s. 317-327
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Mattresses and mattress coverings
 Mattresses for tissue integrity
Samuelsson, K. A.; Tropp, H.; Nylander, E.; Gerdle, B.The effect of rear-wheel position on seating ergonomics and mobility efficiency in wheelchair users with spinal cord injuries: A pilot study.
I: Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2004 (41(1)), s. 65-74
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Samuelsson, K.; Larsson, H.; Thyberg, M.; Gerdle, B.Wheelchair seating intervention. Results from a client-centred approach.
I: Disability and Rehablilitation, 2001 (23/15), s. 677-682
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering
Sanada, H.; Sugama, J.; Matsui, Y. et al.Randomised controlled trial to evaluate a new double-layer air-cell overlay for elderly patients requiring head elevation.
I: Journal of Tissue Viability, 2003 (13(112-4), s. 116-118
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Mattresses and mattress coverings
 Mattresses for tissue integrity
Sawatzky, B. J.; Kim, W. O.; Denison, I.The ergonomics of different tyres and tyre pressure during wheelchair propulsion.
I: Ergonomics, 2004 (47/14), s. 1475-1483
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Sawka, A. M. et alDo hip protectors decrease the risk of hip fracture in institutional and community-dwelling elderly? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
I: Osteoporosis International, 2005 (16(12)), s. 1461-1474
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for trunk protection or whole-body protection
Schlosser, R. W.; Wendt, O.Effects of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention on Speech Production in Children With Autism: A Systematic Review.
I: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology , 2008 (17), s. 212-230
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for face-to-face communication
Sigafoos, F.; OReilly, M. O.; Ganz, J. B.; Lancioni, G. E.; Schlosser, R. W.Supporting self-determination in AAC interventions by assessing preference for communication devices.
I: Technology and Disability, 2005 (17(3)), s. 143-153
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for face-to-face communication
Sonenblum, S. E.; Springle, S.; Harris, F. H.; Maurer, C. L.Characterization of Power Wheelchair Use in the Home and Community.
I: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2008 (89/3), s. 486-491
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering
Springle, S.; Wootten, M.; Sawacha, Z.; thielman, G.Relationships Among Cushion Type, Backrest Height, Seated Posture, and Reach of Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injury.
I: Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2003 (26(3)), s. 236-243
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Stickel, M. S.; Ryan, S.; Rigby, P. J.; Jutai, J. W.Toward a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Impact of Electronic Aids to Daily Living: Evaluation of Consumer Satisfaction.
I: Disability and Rehablilitation, 2002 (24(1-3)), s. 115-125
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Electronic assistive products for operation and controlling devices
Storr, T.; Spicer, J.; Frost, P.; Attfield, S.; Ward, C. D.; Pinnington, L. L.Design features of portable wheelchair ramps and their implications for curb and vehicle access.
I: Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2004 (41(3B)), s. 443-452
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Portable ramps
Tam, C.; Archer, J.; Mays, J.; Skidmore, G.Measuring the Outcomes of Word Cueing Technology.
I: Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2005 (72(5)), s. 301-307
Tefft, D.; Guerette, P.; Furumasu, J.Cognitive predictors of young childrens readiness for powered mobility.
I: Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 1999 (41), s. 665-670
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering
Tomita, M.; Mann, W. C.; Welch, T. R.Use of Assistive Devices to Address Hearing Impairment by Older Persons with Disabilities.
I: International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2001 (24), s. 279-289
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for hearing
Trail, M.; Nelson, N.; Van, J. N.; Appel, S. H.; Lai, E. C.Wheelchair use by patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A survey of user characteristics and selection preferences.
I: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2001 (82), s. 98-102
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Trefler, E.; Fitzgerald, S. G.; Hobson, D. A.; Bursick, T.; Joseph, R.Outcomes of wheelchair systems intervention with residents of long-term care facilities.
I: Assistive Technology, 2004 (16), s. 18-27
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
Tyson, S. F.The Support Taken Through Walking Aids During Hemiplegic Gait.
I: Clinical Rehabilitation, 1998 (12(5)), s. 395-401
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Walking sticks
Tyson, S. F.Trunk Kinematics in Hemiplegic Gait and the Effect of Walking Aids.
I: Clinical Rehabilitation, 1999 (13(4)), s. 295-300
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Walking sticks
van der Woude, L. H. et al.Seat Height: Effects on Submaximal Hand Rim Wheelchair Performance During Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation.
I: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2009 (41(3)), s. 143-149
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
van Roosmalen, L.; Reed, M. P.; Bertocci, G. E.Pilot study of safety belt usability for vehicle occupants seated in wheelchairs.
I: Assistive Technology, 2005 (17), s. 23-36
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Bimanual handrim-drive wheelchairs
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering
 Vehicle occupant restraining systems
Vanderwee, K.; Grypdonck, M. H.; Defloor, T.Effectiveness of an alternating pressure air mattress for the prevention of pressure ulcers.
I: Age and Ageing, 2005 (34), s. 261-267
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Mattresses and mattress coverings
 Mattresses for tissue integrity
Vincent, C.; Drouin, G.; Routhier, F.Examination of new environmental control applications.
I: Assistive Technology, 2002 (14(2)), s. 98-111
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Wired remote controls
Wendt, O.The effectiveness of augmentative and alternative communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis .
I: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses , 2007 (68(02)), s. 526-
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for face-to-face communication
Whipple, K.Therapeutic use of assistive technology: a clinical perspective.
I: Rehabilitation Nursing, 2007 (32(2)), s. 48-50
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Assistive products for lifting persons
 Assistive products for changing body position
Wiart, L.; Darrah, J.; Hollis, V.; Cook, A.; May, L.Mothers Perceptions of Their Childrens Use of Powered Mobility .
I: Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 2004 (24/4), s. 3-21
EngelskRelaterede produktgrupper:
 Electrically powered wheelchairs with electronic steering

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