Reliability and validity of the Power-mobility Community Driving Assessment

Letts, L.; Dawson, D.; Bretholz, I.; Kaiserman-Goldenstein, E.; Gleason, J.; McLellan, E. et al.: Reliability and validity of the Power-mobility Community Driving Assessment. I: Assistive Technology, 2007(19/3), s. 154-163.Language: Engelsk

Summary: This article reports the results of pilot testing and an evaluation of the assessments reliability and validity. Pilot testing was conducted with a random selection of Canadian occupational therapists working in the area of mobility. Although the response rate was very low, feedback confirmed the utility of the measure and contributed to one substantive scoring revision. Reliability and validity testing was conducted with a sample of 34 drivers. Internal consistency results were positive. Interrater reliability was fair to high but limited by the lack of variability in the scores. Construct validity hypotheses were tested on the relationships between PCDA scores and vision, perception, cognition, and environmental accessibility. Results indicated no relationships between the PCDA and perceptual and cognitive function and only a weak trend for a relationship with environmental accessibility.

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