Sitting Position - Posture and Performance in C5-C6 Tetraplegia

Bolin, I.; Bodin, P.; Kreuter, M.: Sitting Position - Posture and Performance in C5-C6 Tetraplegia. I: Spinal Cord, 2000(38(7)), s. 425-434.Language: Engelsk

Summary: The objective of this stydy was to investigate how sitting position and seating affect posture and performance (balance, transfers, wheelchair skills, physical strain during wheelchair propulsion, spasticity and respiration) in persons with C5 and C6 tetraplegia. Conclusion: Solution of problems concerning sitting and posture for persons with C5-C6 tetraplegia requires good knowledge of the physical impairment, wheelchair adaptation, seating systems and cushions as well as an understanding of the individuals demands and wishes. Due to the complexity of the issue, standard solutions are not applicable. Thus, an analytical working method is required and co-operation between professionals -occupational therapists and physiotherapists - is important.

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