Assistive products for sexual habilitation and rehabilitation

Included are, e.g. assistive products for dilation of the vagina. Assistive product for training pelvic floor, see 04 48 33.
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Else O Sygeplejerske og specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Nordtoft 32
9000 Aalborg


Else O Sygeplejerske og specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Nordtoft 32
9000 Aalborg

OhNut painbuffer

Else O Sygeplejerske og specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Nordtoft 32
9000 Aalborg

IntimateRider - dynamic chair for sexual mobility

IntimateRider - dynamic chair for sexual mobility

The chair is very stable and designed to provide mobility where illness or disability makes it difficult to be the active part during the sexual act. With minimal physical effort (with upper body) is created a sliding intercourse movement (in the lower body) using patented technology. Easily to fold together and occupy only minimal of space

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Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give

Intimrelax - Soft Silicone Dilators

Intimrelax - Soft Silicone Dilators

A kit of 3 soft silicone dilators (in a hard case) Sizes (cm) 6.5 x 0.9 / 9.5 x 1.5 / 12 x 2.5. For a number of gynecological disorders it is beneficial practicing the ability of penetrating. Regularly use relaxes the pelvic floor muscle and alleviate the pain during sexual intercourse. Water based lubricant is recommended.

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Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give

Rigid Vaginal Dilator

Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give

Vaginal Silikone Dilatorer

Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give

Vaginal exercise ballon

Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give

Feminin form

Helle Koldsø. Specialist i sexologisk rådgivning
Vesterlundvej 94, Thyregod
7323 Give