Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a persons capacity to move indoors and outdoors or to transfer from one place to another.
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.

Transfer belt

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Madrascover Re-cover

Madrascover Re-cover

Re-cover This way we can recycle our products and consider environmental and ergonomic aspects. Re-cover is a new resown ILF Cover that makes mounting a lot easier.
Re-cover is now fitted around the corners of the mattress with strong elastic bands. This way you do not need to lift or bend the mattress to mount the Re-cover.

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Matrx E2 Back

Matrx E2 Back

Matrx E2 Backs are suitable for the wheelchair user with a need of moderat to good support. Matrx E2 Backs have a low weight, are stabel and comfortable and gives to possibility to active movements wheel wheeling your chair. More sizes, support and adjustable in height, depht, horizontal and vertical angels.

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