Body-worn automatic emergency calls

Wireless body-worn transmitters automatical activating an emergency call from the emergency alarm system. E.g. if a person falls or has a seizure.


0-9 (IPX0-IPX9) according to the standard for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IEC 60529)
m (± 5 m)
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Twig Neo emergency call

Twig Neo emergency call

Professional emergency call, with many customization options and accessories.
Can be purchased with Mandown function that sends an automatic emergency call at 4 preset events: No movement, free fall, hard shock or if the emergency call leaves a certain area.
The emergency call works everywhere with mobile coverage, as it uses SIM cards.

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Twig One 4G VoLTE emergency call

Twig One 4G VoLTE emergency call

Simple professional emergency call, with a sea of customization options. Additional purchase:
Mandown alarm that automatically sends an alarm at: no movement, free fall, hard shock and if the alarm leaves a certain area.
It can also be set for silent emergency calls. uses SIM card for 2G, 3G and 4G GSM mobile network for emergency calls and voice.

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Vibby fall detector

Vibby fall detector

When a citizen falls, an alarm can be sent to the home care or a response center. The fall detector can also be used in nursing homes.

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Tunstall A/s
Niels Bohrs Vej 42, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

Sarita Pearl

Sarita Pearl

Sarita Pearl is a brooch, which is hiding away the essence of technology. The Pearl has automatic and manual alert functions. The Pearl is functioning like a mobile phone with its in-build speaker and microphone. The look of the brooch is designed and chosen by its user, and the many functionalities of the Pearl can be enabled and disabled.

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Sarita CareTech ApS
Silkeborgvej 691
8220 Brabrand