HMI-no. - 70298

HMI-no. 70298 is found in the following product series.
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Magnifier with light and easy-grip handle

Magnifier with light and easy-grip handle

Good and classic magnifying class which is easy to hold due to the non-slip handle. The glass has a diameter of 13 cm. Double enlargement in the main area and 6 times enlargement in the small area just above the handle. The light is activated with a simple clik button on the handle.
Uses 1 AAA battery (not included).

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Handheld magnifier with light

Handheld magnifier with light

Magnifier with handle and light,
Diameter: 13 cm.
Magnifies 2 times in the big field, and 6 times in the small one.
Uses 1 AAA battery.

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