Assistive products for controlling, carrying, moving and handling objects and devices

Products intended to facilitate a person’s performance of a task requiring the movement or manipulation of an object. Assistive products for transporting objects in workplaces, see 28 06. Assistive products for hoisting and repositioning objects in workplaces, see 28 09.


TubusOne is a product that is used to navigate on tablets and smartphones without using your fingers and without the help of other people. TubusOne consists of a mouthpiece, a tube and a function, which is activated by a puff from the mouth.

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Tubus Technology
Amagerfælledvej 106
2300 København S

Ergorest, 15-43 mm, sort

Ergorest, 15-43 mm, sort

Nem at installere og rigtig god til personer med store gener i arm og skuldre. Skålen og drejeledende gør at du kan hvile armen og samtidig følger arm støtten med når du flytter armen uden de store anstrengelser.
Kan hæves og sænkes 5-74 mm over skrivebordet. Arm længde 260 mm. Bordbeslag 15-43 mm.

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